Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 20, 2009

-Summer 2009-

Since all of you have been begging me to update... I know, I'm so sorry life has been so hectic lately, I haven't been able to keep up. We Enjoyed our summer! There were ups and downs, brogans first emergency trip to the hospital. He had to get an infection drained in his back, and of course that happend right before our scheduled trip to Myrtle Beach, SC. He ended up staying home with Buddy and I got to have a whole 9 day vacation! It was fun but we sure missed the little man! We had birthday parties, and tubing, and beach days. Brogan rode on a seadoo for the first time this summer, he also went tubing! Both Buddy and I are big watersport lovers so its only natural, and he loved it too. As promised, Here are pictures from over the summer... ENJOY!!
Brogan decided to hop in the swimming pool with all of his clothes on in the freezing water!

Morgann's Highschool Graduation-End of May

Memorial Day- Camp Calvary... Brogans first time in a lake this year!

New Backyard Toys- Such a boy!

Morgann's Last Soccer Game in Highschool

Summer Garage Sales Rock! All this stuff for under 8 bucks! 42 articles of clothing!

Brogan and Kyla- Hanging out!

6/6 Mom and Dad's Surprise Wedding Anniversary Party!

Gerald R Ford Airport Observatory- Brogan loved coming here this summer! We did it a lot

Brogan has having trouble figuring out the rain- Why was he getting wet standing outside?

6/10 My friend Christine and her son Morgan, Buddy and I and Brogan went to John Ball Zoo! Morgan started walking the very next day!

6/10 Brogans Hair IS CURLY!!

6/14 Beach Day! First time this year, and 1st time in Lake Michigan!

6/15 Millenium Park with Mom and Morgann- and mom's old work friend!
6/19- First time on a Seadoo! Cottage on Crockery Lake with Cousin Cathy and Family!

Brogan and McKenzie Playing at Morgann's Open house June 26th
4th of July- Grandville Parade

Brogan's Ouchie- Infection had to get drained in the ER 7/6

He always has lots of moral support and love surrounding him!

After this incident we left for Myrtle Beach, SC and Brogan stayed with Buddy. We were gone for 9 days. I missed little man SOO much! He was in good care though! :) This lead up to the PIG ROAST, and HAIRCUTS and the last parts of Summer...

1 comment:

Our Family said...

AWEEeee His hospital pictures brake my heart :( I love the rest of the pictures CAN'T wait to see the end of summer :P


Although his life was unplanned Brogan has brought so much joy to ours. We found out we were pregnant May 21st, 2007, and what a shock that was. Looking back on that time now, as i look into his big blue eyes, I don't think we ever could have known what happiness he would bring with his arrival. I worked right up until my water broke at 4:40pm on January 15th. My heart was beating so fast as Buddy met me at my house (after i had to call and pull him out of an interview to let him know it was "TIME", he got the phone call he had wanted! Since I was scheduled to have an induction on the Thursday following and we both really wanted it to happen naturally. We got to the hospital between 6 and 6:30 and i was dilated to 5. After I got the epidural around 8:30 -9 I dilated to 10 within the hour, but was so numb that I could not feel my contractions to push. Poor Brogan was stuck there for another 3 hours with his head just trying to come out! We turned down the epidural, and when I could feel enough to push, it only took 1 hour and our baby boy was delivered into this world by his Daddy and Grandma Wood at 1:51 am on January 16th 2008. Grandma R and Aunt Chelsea and Aunt Brooke were also there to share that special moment and capture it with photographs and video. The rest of the family came in shortly after. What an amazing experience this has been...

-Brogan Lee Rivera-
7 lbs 6 oz, 19 3/4th in. 1:51 am 1/16/08