Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grappa's Birthday and Soccer games!

The day before my dad's birthday (March 22nd is his birthday so on the 21st) my sister was able to get the weekend off of work and come home to celebrate. Before hand we decided we would take him out to dinner together. We let him pick the resturant and he chose Tres Amigos Los Cabanos a mexican restaurant by our house. here is a family picture of us! Happy 29th birthday! hahaha.... ;)

Then it was off to Auntie Morgann's 1st soccer scrimmage of the year! Here are some pictures of the day.. ps they won... even though your not supposed to keep score....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Garage Sale... IN MARCH ?!

SO I am absolutely excited about this purchase.... I was driving down the street on the way home with Brogan and saw a garage sale sign.... now its the end of march and wasn't expecting to see one of those. For those of you that don't know I LOVE garage saleing, maybe just because I like the deals. But I pulled up and saw JUST what i had been looking for an outdoor playset for Brogan! Excitedly jumped out of the car and there wasn't a price on it so the lady said to make an offer... so I decided to go REALLY low just to see if she would go for it and offered 10 bucks and she said there is another peice do you want to go 10 bucks a piece, and I said sure and tadaaa play set for Brogan! It needed to be cleaned up but since it was decent out this morning I washed it while Brogan was napping.... Here are some pictures of my SWEET purchase!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Brogan's 1 year Pictures

These are Brogan's 1 year pictures. We had a totally different person this time, he was so good! He did a great job for how mobile Brogan is now he didn't want to sit still for any amount of time... But for some reason the website didn't upload them when they were taken so I had to scan them...better late than never....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

14 months

You might as well hit play... this video is 3 minutes long....

This is a normal day here for us ... talking talking talking.... Brogan's new favorite toy is his "cell phone". Uncle Travis gave him his old one because he loves to play with everyone's and this one actually has real buttons that he can push and it flips open! He doesn't actually put it to his ear... he puts it behind his head to "talk" or just holds it out in front of him... I think this is partially due to the fact that I always had it on speaker when he talks to Buddy so that he could see his picture to put the two together. He is SO "talkative" now days!

Words he can "say":
mama and MOM
apa- grandpa
nana - for both my mom and bananas lol
nunigh - nu-night when he is REALLLLY tired...
ba - ball
baba- when he sees a bottle
doggy (the difference in the above two is that he kind of rolls his gg's in doggy hahaha)

those are the normal ones we hear quite frequently... He does surprise us with a couple extra's every once in a while. Right now I see him contemplating on the word uncle he kind of uses the U sound but comes out UGA in more of a yell when he tries. He also yells when he see's my sister Morgann. He's gonna be talking in no time... I can't wait to hear all the funny questions and statements that come out of his mouth :)

Update on his blue lips:
After bringing him to the ER we went to the pediatric cardiologist and he had all of his blood pressures taken and had an echocardiogram done and everything turned out normal. The doctor said that sometimes this just happens in infants, and is fairly common. He said he saw 5 that week already for the same thing, and we would probably not find a reasoning for it. So that was good news... although I didn't like the part where he said we would probably not find a reasoning for it... I still don't think its just normal, but maybe thats just me being a concerned mom :) When we took him in though they measured him at 31 inches (I had a hunch that his 1 year was off a bit since they don't measure him standing up yet) and 27 lbs.

It has been so BEAUTIFAL out lately. We had a couple days that were high 60's low 70's! We have definitely been taking advantage of this weather and going on walks and playing outside. Brogan loves playing outside and we are looking into getting him a swingset for the backyard for this summer to go along with his turtle sandbox nana and grappa got him last year.

Brogan now has 8 teeth. The 4 top 3 on the bottom (the one right next to the front left tooth popped through yesterday 3-20-09) and his right molar. He's working on his right "I" tooth and his left molar, and his right front side tooth. He has no problem with brushing though and loves to carry around his toothbrush!

And one last thing I wanted to share was this picture:

Thanks to Auntie Morgann Brogan knows how to use an iPod! haha He will hold the iPod and put the headphone up to his ear with his hand and just dance away. Or if someone else is holding their iPod Brogan will put his hand up to his ear to let them know he wants to listen too! It actually came in quite handy when we took him to the cardiologist because it kept him entertained while he was having the echocardiogram done. The nurse thought it was the funniest thing! I just think its so amazing how far technology has come in my life time, and I think its so weird to know that my children will never grow up not knowing what a cell phone is or an iPod or a computer... Because when I was little you either didn't have them, or you had a car phone that was connected to you car or you carried it around in a briefcase! Our world is ever changing, and its amazing to think of what is going to come out next!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Baby's got a boo-boo

Well not a boo-boo perhaps. Brogan's lips have been turning blue at random over the last month. (about 5 times) They will stay blue for about 10 minutes and then turn rosy pink again. He is acting completely normal, continues to play and laugh and scream and do all the normal baby things while this is going on. We took him to the pediatrician to see if she could give us any insight about it. His oxygen intake seems normal (around 99%) from the pulse ox meter and his blood pressure to all his extremities (arms and legs) were normal as well. She said if it happens again to take him to the ER. And also was going to refer him to a pediatric cardiologist to have some other tests done most likely an echocardiogram.

(I wasn't taking this picture for Blogging purposes, I felt like i needed proof his lips were actually turning blue! Its so weird that they will stay that way for 10 minutes and then all the sudden get better! But you can see the new addition to his mouth in this picture a couple weekends ago Feb 13th (Friday the 13th coincidentally) Brogan's first molar came through. It was awful 103 degree fever, croup, cold waking up 7 times in one night... the whole 9 yards! )

So last night right after we got out of the bath, his lips turned blue again, so I got his jammies on, and took him in. Of course as soon as we got there he was acting normal again, just as he had done the other times. But the staff in the ER were very helpful and thought he was so cute (and I might say he did look awfully cute in his little gown) Buddy joked he was just pulling a trick on us to try and stay up past his bedtime. They took his oxygen, and blood pressure, weight, temp, and took some x-rays to see if maybe his heart was enlarged. All checked out normal just as they had at the doctors office. So they called his pediatrician to let her know what was going on, and they let us know that they were going to expedite the pediatric cardiologist appointment so hopefully we can figure out what is going on.

He doesn't seem to be affected by whatever it is though, still our happy little Brogan! Hopefully we'll be able to figure out soon whats causing these mysterious blue lips.


Although his life was unplanned Brogan has brought so much joy to ours. We found out we were pregnant May 21st, 2007, and what a shock that was. Looking back on that time now, as i look into his big blue eyes, I don't think we ever could have known what happiness he would bring with his arrival. I worked right up until my water broke at 4:40pm on January 15th. My heart was beating so fast as Buddy met me at my house (after i had to call and pull him out of an interview to let him know it was "TIME", he got the phone call he had wanted! Since I was scheduled to have an induction on the Thursday following and we both really wanted it to happen naturally. We got to the hospital between 6 and 6:30 and i was dilated to 5. After I got the epidural around 8:30 -9 I dilated to 10 within the hour, but was so numb that I could not feel my contractions to push. Poor Brogan was stuck there for another 3 hours with his head just trying to come out! We turned down the epidural, and when I could feel enough to push, it only took 1 hour and our baby boy was delivered into this world by his Daddy and Grandma Wood at 1:51 am on January 16th 2008. Grandma R and Aunt Chelsea and Aunt Brooke were also there to share that special moment and capture it with photographs and video. The rest of the family came in shortly after. What an amazing experience this has been...

-Brogan Lee Rivera-
7 lbs 6 oz, 19 3/4th in. 1:51 am 1/16/08