WOW Brogan is already 2 months old! I can't believe how fast time has gone! He has grown and changed so much in the last month alone. Now he has almost total head control, and is starting to giggle! He's giggled twice once on Easter and once at the doctors yesterday. Its SO cute! He's really starting to "talk" a lot more he's experimenting with so many different sounds. Not just coo's anymore he makes scratchy noises, and coo's and gurgles. Its so neat watching him learn how to communicate with people. He's sleeping through the night most nights, although he has the nights where he will wake up and stay up at 4 until i leave for work, which make for LONG days! REALLY long days. I have been back to work for 3 weeks now. It is so hard to leave my baby at home, but he stays about half the week with my mom, and the other half with Kathy the babysitter. She does SUCH a good job and is just in love with him! What more could I ask for?
Brogan went to the doctor yesterday. His new stats are 11lbs 13 ounces, his head is 41 cms and his length was about a half inch longer than last month. (I have a hunch thats not very accurate though) Brogan now almost wraps around me he is so getting so long. :)
I'll post pictures on here in a few days, His professional ones should be here by Saturday!
15 years ago